Human culture is characterized by the development of science and technology rapidly that a result the role and influence of Western philosophical thought. Early in its development, namely Ancient Greece, identified with the philosophy of science. That is the thinking and philosophy of science are not separated, so that all human thought which emerged at that time called philosophy. In the Middle Ages, became synonymous with the philosophy of religion, philosophical thinking at the time that it becomes one with the dogma of the church. In the 15th century came the Renaissance was followed by Aufklaerung the 18th century that brought changes to the philosophical outlook. At this time broke away from religious philosophy, that makes people come forward and speak without fear they will be punished by the church. Remain secular philosophy of modern times such as the Renaissance, the difference is that in this age of science split from philosophy and began to develop into several branches that happen quickly. Even in the 20th century, science began to develop into a variety of specialties and sub-specialties.
Science is a system originally developed to determine the state of the environment disekitanya. Moreover, science is also created to help people's lives easier. In the 20th century, and towards the 21st century, science has become something substantive that dominate human life. However, not only that, science has developed so rapidly has also raises various humanitarian crisis in life. It is driven by the tendency of human problem solving more bersifsat sector. One of the efforts to resolve the humanitarian problems that are increasingly complex to study the development of philosophical thought.
The development of Western philosophy is divided into a number of periodization based on the dominant characteristic of the era. Those periods are:
1. Period of Ancient Greece (Ages 6SM-6M)
The hallmark of his thinking is cosmocentric, which questioned the origin of the universe and the universe as an effort to find the origin (arche) which is an element of the onset of symptoms. And several prominent philosophers of this era express their opinions about the arches, among others:
Thales (640-550 BC) : arche form of water
Anaximander (611-545 BC): arches form apeiron (the infinitive)
Anaximenes (588-524 BC) : arche be air
Pythagoras (580-500 BC) : arches can be explained on the basis of numbers.
In addition to the above four figures there are two philosophers, namely Herakleitos (540-475 BC) and Parmindes (540-475 BC) who questioned whether the reality was changed, not into something permanent. Another Greek thinker is one who was instrumental in the development of science is Democritus (460-370 BC) which asserts that reality is composed of many elements called atoms (atomos, from a-not, and Tomos-divided). In addition, the philosopher Socrates is often discussed (470-399 BC) who directly use the direct method of philosophy in everyday life known as dialectic (dialegesthai) which means conversing. It is also transmitted by Plato (428-348 BC). And philosophical thought this time culminating in a Aristotle (384-322 BC) who said that the main task of science is to find the causes of the investigated object. He also believes that each event must have four because, among other causes of material, formal cause, efficient cause and the final cause.
2. Middle Ages (6-16M)
Characteristics of thought at this age is theocentric the use of philosophical thinking to strengthen the Christian religious dogma. In this era of European thought is constrained by the necessity of conformity with religious teachings. Philosophy Augustine (354-430), which is influenced by Plato, is a philosophical thought that discussed the state took part, namely the idea that knowledge creation is a state that is part of God's ideas. While Thomas Aquinas (1125-1274) who followed Aristotle thought, embraced the theory of creation which God produces creation out of nothing. In addition, creating also means continuously produce and preserve creation.
3. Period Renaissance (14-16M)
It is an era that is paying attention in the field of art, philosophy, science and technology. This period is also known as the return of the era of human liberty in thought. Prominent philosophers of this era include Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) who put forward the theory heliosentrisme, where the sun is the center of the universe. And Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who became a pioneering philosophy of science with the famous expression "knowledge is power"
4. The Modern Age (17-19M)
Patterned anthropocentric philosophy of this age, which makes the human being as the center of attention philosophical inquiry. In addition, the main topic is the problem of epistemology .
This stream is found sense is a source of adequate knowledge and trustworthy. Experience is only used to corroborate the truth of the knowledge that has been gained through reason. One of the characters is Rene Descartes (1598-1650) who is also the founder of modern philosophy, known by his statement Cogito Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am). The method used is called the a priori Descartes literally based on the existence of things that preceded. The point is to use this method as if the man had to know with certainty all the symptoms that occur.
5. Period Contemporary (20th century onwards)
The bottom line is known as logosentris, the text becomes a central theme of the discourse of the philosophers. This is because the expressions of philosophy tends to be confusing and difficult to understand. Though the task of philosophy is not just to make a statement about something, but also solve the problems arising from misunderstanding of the logic language, and give a logical explanation above thoughts were expressed.
In this emerging era of various schools of philosophy and most of these streams is a continuation of the schools of philosophy that once flourished in the days before, such as Neo-Thomism, Neo-Marxism, Neo-Positivism and so on.
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